Welcome to the English abbreviated version of the Trusted Cloud online portal. Here you will find information about the Trusted Cloud label, an overview of the certified cloud services and information about the listing process.
New: Here you find the Trusted Cloud directory for consultants. This provides an overview of cloud consultants who meet the minimum requirements of our catalogue of criteria.
Please visit the German version of the online portal for an extensive collection of contextual information regarding cloud computing and details of events in which Trusted Cloud is involved www.trusted-cloud.de.
Read here some news relating the Meeting of European Government Representatives and Cloud Label Initiatives in Berlin on the 26th of September 2017.
Clicking the button will take you directly to the registration process for creating a listing application for your cloud service or as cloud consultant. Please note that only the German version of the secure service provider and consultant section is available.
The Trusted Cloud criteria catalogue for cloud services with the minimum requirements for obtaining the Trusted Cloud label is available in English and French. You can access this here. There you also find the German version of the Trusted Cloud criteria catalogue for consultants.