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Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud
Kostenlose Testphase
Standort des Rechenzentrums

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), auch Cloud Foundation genannt, ist die unterste Ebene und umfasst alle IT-Leistungen der Basisinfrastruktur, wie z. B. Rechnerkapazitäten, Netzwerke und Speicherplatz.

Anwendbares Recht
Deutsches Vertragsrecht


As the cloud computing arm and business unit of Alibaba Group (NYSE: BABA), Alibaba Cloud provides a comprehensive suite of global cloud computing services to power both our international customers’ online businesses and Alibaba Group’s own e-commerce ecosystem. Alibaba Cloud’s international operations are registered and headquartered in Singapore, and the company has international teams stationed in Dubai, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, New York, Paris, San Mateo, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo. Alibaba Cloud offers high-performance, elastic computing power in the cloud. Services are available on a pay-as-you-go basis and include data storage, relational databases, big-data processing, anti-DDoS protection and content delivery networks (CDN). Outside of its status as the leading cloud provider in China, Alibaba Cloud provides solutions that lead the market in international performance and usability, cloud security and advanced R&D technology. At the same time Alibaba Cloud is committed to the research and development of large database systems and advanced big data technologies. R&D efforts include the advancement of IOT (Internet of Things) technology, virtual reality, smart homes, automotive networking and information systems, and cloud-based mobile-device operating systems.

  • Vertrauen
  • Qualität
  • Kosten
Name des Zertifikats
▪ CSA STAR ▪ ISO20000 ▪ ISO22301 ▪ ISO27001 ▪ ISO27017 ▪ ISO27018 ▪ ISO9001 ▪ Service Organization Report (SOC) 1/2/3
Weitere Details zum Zertifikat hinsichtlich Prüfumfang, Ausprägungen, Erweiterungen, etc.
Certificate that covers Germany and Singapore location and products/services: ▪ German - Cloud Computing Compliance Controls Catalogue (C5) Certificates cover all location and products/services: ▪ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System ▪ ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Management System ▪ ISO/IEC 20000:2011 Information Technology Service Management System ▪ ISO/IEC 22301:2012 Business Continuity Management System ▪ Cloud Security Alliance’s Security Trust and Assurance Registry (“CSA STAR”) ▪ Service Organization Report (SOC) 1,2 and 3
Geografischer Standort des Rechenzentrums
EU-U.S. Privacy Shield and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield TRUSTe Enterprise Privacy Certification
Weitere Details zum Zertifikat hinsichtlich Prüfumfang, Ausprägungen, Erweiterungen etc.
TRUSTe Enterprise Standards are based on foundational privacy frameworks including the Fair Information Practice Principles, OECD Privacy Guidelines, APEC Privacy Framework, and the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Principles.
Zertifizierung des Rechenzentrums und der technischen Infrastruktur
Weitere Details zum Zertifikat hinsichtlich Prüfumfang, Ausprägungen, Erweiterungen etc.
Certificate that covers Germany and Singapore location and products/services: ▪ German - Cloud Computing Compliance Controls Catalogue (C5) Certificates cover all location and products/services: ▪ ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System ▪ ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Management System ▪ ISO/IEC 20000:2011 Information Technology Service Management System ▪ ISO/IEC 22301:2012 Business Continuity Management System ▪ Cloud Security Alliance’s Security Trust and Assurance Registry (“CSA STAR”) ▪ Service Organization Report (SOC) 1,2 and 3
Durchführung von Audits auf Antrag durch den Anwender
Only industry approved audits mathods, such as providing Service Organization Controls (SOC) Report 1/2/3
Zugesicherte Ende-zu-Ende Service-Verfügbarkeit in Prozent / Jahr
Verfügbarkeitsklasse 3 - 99,9 % ? 43:48 Minuten/Monat oder 8:45:58 Stunden/Jahr
Maximale Downtime in Stunden
Uptime greater/equal than 99.95% in 30 days means 29 Days , 23 Hours, 38 Minutes and 24 Seconds uptime. It also means a maximum Downtime of 0 Days, 0 Hours, 21 Minutes, 36 Seconds. (0.05% downtime).
Garantierte Antwortzeit des Kunden-Supports
< 3 Arbeitstage
Durchschnittliche Zeit bis zur Problemlösung?
< 4 Arbeitstage
Verfügbarkeit des Kunden-Supports
Beschreibung der Supportleistungen
Alibaba Cloud offers highly flexible support service depending on your desired support level. Customers can subscribe to the following Alibaba Cloud After Sale Support levels: Basic, Developer, Business and Enterprise.
Werden Trainings angeboten?
Ist es möglich, dass Audits vom Anwender zu Arbeitsprozessen und organisatorischen Abläufen in Bezug auf Datenschutz- und Sicherheit durchgeführt werden?
Durch Dritte
Wie wird die rasche Wiederherstellung der Verfügbarkeit der Kundendaten und den Zugang zu ihnen bei einem physischen oder technischen Zwischenfall garantiert?
Business Continuity Management Alibaba Cloud has established operational availability objectives for the following cloud products. For VPC and Alibaba Cloud Security products, the objectives of the respective ECS, OSS, or RDS services would be applicable. ▪ ECS is designed to provide operational availability no less than 99.95%; ▪ SLB is designed to provide operational availability no less than 99.95%; ▪ OSS is designed to provide operational availability no less than 99.90%; ▪ RDS is designed to provide operational availability no less than 99.95%; ▪ CDN is designed to provide operational availability no less than 99.90%. ▪ Express Connect is designed to provide operational availability no less than 99.95%
Beschreibung der Backup-Optionen
Alibaba Cloud is ISO/IEC 20000:2011 and IS022301:2012 certified, which cover business continuity management. Alibaba Cloud has established policies and operation standards with business continuity management covered. Business continuity plans are established and reviewed by the business continuity management team every year; the plans are updated according to results of the review. Alibaba Cloud conducts a business continuity drill at least once a year. Alibaba Cloud and data center service providers conduct joint data center business continuity drills every year and data center business continuity reports would be issued accordingly. Alibaba Cloud performs backups of network device configurations by using a network device configurations system in order to ensure that network device configurations can be restored when needed. ECS and OSS are designed to offer redundant data retention mechanisms for customer data. When customers’ data is stored in ECS and OSS, three copies are automatically created in the same region where the customer purchased the service.
Wie wird sichergestellt, dass die Anforderungen zur Wahrung der Vertraulichkeit sich auch auf die Backups erstreckt?
In general, Alibaba Cloud ensures the cloud infrastructures' security and confidentiality, and customers are managing their own backup strategy within their services and product that align with their organizational standards. Alibaba Cloud also offers encryption services that are available for customers to choose.
Welche Verschlüsselungstechniken zur Verschlüsselung der Datenübertragung und -Speicherung können angewendet werden?
Encryption & Key Management Alibaba Cloud has established policies for encryption and key management. For data transmission security, Alibaba Cloud supports secure communication channels with strong cryptographic protocols for data transmission. HTTPS is supported by the Open API gateway of Alibaba Cloud. When a Customer logs into the management console and performs operations, identity authentication information and operation commands are transmitted via HTTPS. RDS supports Transparent Data Encryption (“TDE”) enabled by MS SQL Server and MySQL; OSS supports Customer data encryption at the server side. Data keys are utilized to encrypt/decrypt Customer’s data; master keys are utilized to encrypt/decrypt data keys. The AES256 algorithm is utilized to encryption Customer’s data and Customer’s data keys. Key Management Service (“KMS”) is utilized to manage master keys of RDS and OSS customers. RDS and OSS call the internal interfaces of KMS to request the master key for data key encryption/decryption. The master key identifier is assigned to a Customer by KMS. This master key identifier is utilized by KMS to call Encryption & Key Management Alibaba Cloud Link ID² adopts random algorithm to ensure the confidentiality and uniqueness of ID²’s secret key. Additionally, it adopts the encrypted storage mechanism to ensure the security and confidentiality of ID²’s secret key. Alibaba Cloud Link ID² uses the public key provided by the customer to encrypt the ID² secret key during the key generation process. The customer needs to use its private key to obtain the plain text of ID² secret key to ensure the security and confidentiality of ID² secret key. Alibaba Cloud Link IoT Platform, Alibaba Cloud Link Living adopt the encrypted storage mechanism to ensure the security of deviceSecret. The cipher machines used by Alibaba Cloud Link IoT Platform, Alibaba Cloud Link IoT Edge, Alibaba Cloud Link ID² and Alibaba Cloud Link Living to call business secret key to adopt the whitelist mechanism. Only the equipment used by the corresponding products and services are matched to the whitelist. Alibaba Cloud Link IoT Edge’s standard SDK software package provides the encryption tool to encrypt the data stored at default path on the gateway device. To mitigate the risk of data leakage, 1)Alibaba Cloud Link IoT Edge adopts DTLS to secure the connection between the cloud server and device (or gateway) when using UDP protocol through relevant API. 2)Alibaba Cloud Link IoT Platform, Alibaba Cloud Link IoT Edge and Alibaba Cloud Link Living adopt TLS to secure the connection between the cloud server and device (or gateway) when using MQTT or HTTP protocol through relevant API. 3)Alibaba Cloud Link IoT Platform adopts DTLS to secure the connection established from the device (or gateway) to cloud server when using CoAP protocol. When the software upgrade package is ready, the developers will be notified through Alibaba Cloud Link IoT Edge’s official website to download the latest version software package for the software update at the gateway device. The software downloaded based on the HTTPS protocol to ensure the security of the process. Alibaba Cloud Link ID² adopts TLS to secure the connection between the server of the service provider (the customer served by Alibaba Cloud) and cloud server.
Optionen für das Key-Management
Encrpytion-Keys werden durch den Kunden verwaltet
Identity- und Accessmanagement
Welches Rechte- und Rollenkonzept wird angewendet?
es wird ein unternehmensweites Rechte - und Rollenkonzept angewendet
Technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen
Wie erfolgt die angemessene Umsetzung der technischen und organisatorischen Maßnahmen laut DSGVO?
Umsetzung erfolgt durch Vertrag zur Auftragsdatenvereinbarung gem. Art. 28 DSGVO
Service Management
Service Managment
Zertifiziert und regelmäßig überprüft
Weitere Details zum Vorgehen im Service-Management
ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 is a service management system (SMS) standard. It specifies requirements for the service provider to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and improve an SMS. The requirements include the design, transition, delivery and improvement of services to fulfill agreed service requirements. We are ISO20000 IT Service Management System certified.
Zertifikate Service Management
Name des Zertifikats
▪ ISO20000
▪ ISO22301
▪ ISO27001
▪ ISO27017
▪ ISO27018
▪ ISO9001
Interoperabilität & Portabilität
Es werden dokumentierte APIs zur Administration angeboten
Standards des Service-Stacks
Alibaba Cloud distributed operating system is a self-developed cloud computing platform. The primary objective of designing the distributed operating system is to establish a comprehensive software/hardware system, combing thousands of servers into a “supercomputer” and sharing storage and computing resources in the supercomputer with users and/or applications on the Internet in the way of public services. Alibaba Cloud ECS supports two kinds of hypervisors - Xen and KVM (“Hypervisor”), which achieve CPU hardware segregation -- in the virtualization layer, segregation of memory, as well as differentiation of virtual machine hard disks is achieved through Hypervisor. Our API Gateway provides customer with a complete API hosting service, sharing their capabilities, services, and data with their partners in the form of APIs. API security is ensured by adopting multiple protection measures, including attack defense, anti-replay, encryption request, identity authentication, access management, and traffic control. This minimizes the risks associated with opening APIs. This service provides a full scope of lifecycle management functions, including API definition, test, release, and removal, etc., as well as generating SDKs and API instructions, in order to improve the efficiency of API management and iteration. The service provides convenient operation and management tools, such as monitoring, alarms, and analysis, which reduce API operation and maintenance costs. API Gateway maximizes capability multiplexing. It allows enterprises to share capabilities, and to focus on their individual business and achieve a win-win situation. About API Gateway: https://www.alibabacloud.com/product/api-gateway Detail description regarding API can be find on our website at: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/25485.htm
APIs zur Integration des Services
API Gateway provides high-performance and high-availability API hosting service to help customers to publish or access to the APIs on Alibaba Cloud products such as ECS and Container Service. It manages the entire API lifecycle from release and management to maintenance. You can quickly open data or services at low costs and risks through simple operations. Detail information can be found on our website: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/25485.htm https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/29478.htm
Technische Voraussetzung zur Nutzung
Besides the basic technical requirements such as use of computer with internet connection, additional technical requirements or use of the service can be found on our product term of use: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/faq-detail/42416.htm?spm=a3c0i.p42385en1.a3.1.20c3e10ejiyAHI
Organisatorische Voraussetzungen zur Nutzung
Additional conditions for usage can be found on our website term of use: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/faq-detail/42417.htm?spm=a3c0i.p42386en1.a3.1.7eb6549fjdH1Uj
Zugriff auf Kundendaten
Datenexport der Kundendaten kann nach Vereinbarung angestoßen werden
Unterstützte Verfahren zur Datenrücküberführung
Depends on the case, data export of customer data is initiated after agreement. For IaaS model, usually the easiest way for data transfer is via API.
We provide a variety of configurations and flexibility to scale. Users can choose from Alibaba Cloud's configuration scheme solution to scale base on their needs. Auto Scaling is a management service that allows users to automatically adjust elastic computing resources according to business needs and policies. ECS instances can be added seamlessly to support traffic peaks. When traffic returns to a normal condition, ECS instances can be removed automatically to save costs. Elastic scale-up During peak traffic times, Auto Scaling will automatically add additional computing resources to the scaling group. Elastic scale-down When traffic returns to a normal condition, Auto Scaling will automatically release ECS resources to reduce costs. Elastic self-healing When an unhealthy instance is detected, Auto Scaling will automatically replace the instance with a new one in order to maintain uninterrupted service. There are several scaling modes: Timing mode: Configures scheduled tasks to regularly add or remove ECS instances. Dynamic mode: Automatically adds or removes ECS instances based on CloudMonitor performance indicators, such as CPU usage. Fixed quantity mode: The MinSize attribute maintains a certain number of healthy ECS instances for real-time use in routine scenarios. Custom mode: Uses an API to manually scale up or down ECS instances based on the monitoring system. Manually execute scaling rules. Manually add or remove existing ECS instances. After the MinSize or MaxSize attribute is adjusted, Auto Scaling will automatically create or release ECS instances to keep the numbers within the range. Healthy mode: If ECS instances are not in running state, Auto Scaling will automatically remove or release them. Multimode: Use of a combination of any of the preceding modes. For example, if you predict a peak time between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM every day, the timing mode can be set to regularly create 20 ECS instances at that time. If you then determine that your actual load is higher than expected during the predicted peak time, use timing mode and dynamic mode together. Timing mode will create a fixed number of instances at a scheduled time, and if the load increases beyond what the scheduled extra instances can manage, dynamic mode will automatically add more.
Eigenständige Provisionierung durch den Kunden
Der Service kann vom Kunden über eine Weboberfläche eigenständig provisioniert werden
Das Preismodell ist öffentlich verfügbar
Typische Vertragslaufzeiten
From activation of accounts until when terminated in accordance with the agreements. There is no minimum amount of purchasing. It's either pre-paid for a period of time, or post-paid per usage. Promotion and free-trail terms might be different.
Typische Kündigungsmodalitäten und - fristen
Termination for cause by Alibaba Cloud upon immediate notice
Kostenlose Testphase
Werden in der kostenlosen Testphase die gleichen Datenschutzanforderungen wie in der kommerziellen Leistung angewandt?
  • Unternehmen
  • Kontakt
  • Subunternehmen & Rechenzentrum
Alibaba Cloud, founded in 2009, is a global leader in cloud computing and artificial intelligence, providing services to thousands of enterprises, developers, and governments organizations in more than 200 countries and regions. Committed to the success of its customers, Alibaba Cloud provides reliable and secure cloud computing and data processing capabilities as a part of its online solutions. In January 2017, Alibaba Cloud became the official cloud services partner of the Olympics.
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Anzahl Mitarbeiter : 6000
Anzahl Mitarbeiter im Bereich Cloud Services : 6000
Anzahl öffentlich angebotener Cloud Services : 30
Erfahrungsgrad der Bereitstellung von Cloud Services : > 5 Jahre



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Kontakt Technik :
Tommy Ge
Kontakt Rechtsabteilung :
Legal Counsel
Ferdinand-Braun-Platz 1
Geographischer Standort des Rechenzentrums
Land: Germany
Bundesland: Frankfurt